Tuesday, May 18, 2010

identifying your learning style

I completed everything that was on the page

Communication skills

An example of communication would be texting. This can cause problems by creating a long wait time before someone gets a response. or if someones phone is turned off, they will not recieve the message. another form of commnunication would be yelling. This can cause problems by straining the voice and cause the other person to not be able to understand what you are saying clearly. One last form of communication is fax. This can cause problems becuase if you are trying to fax someone and there phone line is connected to their fax line, if someone answers the phone it will mess up the fax.

My communication skills in my oppinion are up to par. I speak loud enough to hear clearly and use appropriate grammer

Thanking those that have helped you

I have emailed the thank you letter to my supervisor and handed out the cookout invitation

creating your resume

I am very experienced in computer technology. I know every different part in the computer and its function.  I work well with others qand can finish a task on time. I am a skilled multitasker and follow directions. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time Management

   There are many different ways that one may implement time management into their daily lives. One example is to keep a planner. this can make things less complicated and organize the week. Another good way is to make a reminder for something rather than having to remember and most of the time forget.
   If I ever became overwhelmed with obligations, I would simply take a break and asses what I have to do starting with most important to least important. This way I do not have to worry as much if I do not finish everything.

Where I want to be in 10 years

1. I want to have graduated at at least a 2 year at Athens Tech.
2. I will hopefully have a beautiful wife and no kids.
3. I want to be a professional skateboarder.
4. I will hopefully have a full time job.
5. I want to be able to afford a home

To help achieve these goals, I must first get a high school diploma by working hard and doing my work. I must apply myself in everything that I do in school and out of school.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cell Phone etiquette

I took the quiz and got the results, 'You could be worse'. It told me that I know proper cell phone etiquette but do not practice it.

Successful PLC Students . . .

#1 -- Attend Class Faithfully -- You cannot learn if you are not present!

#2 -- Develop Good Study Habits -- Listen, take notes, read, and review what you have learned.

#3 -- Motivate Themselves -- Good students want to do well no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing.

#4 -- Set High Expectations -- Set goals and work toward achieving them. Know where you want to go, aim high, and you will get there.

#5 -- Learn from Their Mistakes -- "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstein

#6 -- Built Healthy Relationships -- Surround yourself with others who are like-minded.

#7 -- Realize the Importance of Communication -- Learn to write well, speak well, and be aware of the message you send when you are not speaking.


Task One:

   In order for me to become a succesful student at PLC, I must first Improve on the areas above that I am stuggling in. I must attend every class and try my best to be on time. If i am absent because of a doctors appointment, I will bring a doctor's note. I will not skip class on purpse for recreational purposes and get all my work done. Whenever I need help on an assignment, I will ask for it.