Successful PLC Students . . .
#1 -- Attend Class Faithfully -- You cannot learn if you are not present!
#2 -- Develop Good Study Habits -- Listen, take notes, read, and review what you have learned.
#3 -- Motivate Themselves -- Good students want to do well no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing.
#4 -- Set High Expectations -- Set goals and work toward achieving them. Know where you want to go, aim high, and you will get there.
#5 -- Learn from Their Mistakes -- "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." -Albert Einstein
#6 -- Built Healthy Relationships -- Surround yourself with others who are like-minded.
#7 -- Realize the Importance of Communication -- Learn to write well, speak well, and be aware of the message you send when you are not speaking.
Task One:
In order for me to become a succesful student at PLC, I must first Improve on the areas above that I am stuggling in. I must attend every class and try my best to be on time. If i am absent because of a doctors appointment, I will bring a doctor's note. I will not skip class on purpse for recreational purposes and get all my work done. Whenever I need help on an assignment, I will ask for it.
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